& Webinaires
The P2A team actively participates in high-level events in various sectors of activity:
Organization of the 1st edition of the 1.5 Hours for Climate "Water, Agriculture and Food Security: Building a Nexus Approach to the Climate Change Narrative in Africa"
1.5 hours for Climate – Africa Climate Moonshot Initiative, is a project led by Positive Agenda Advisory, the RIEMAS Think Tank of the Euromed University of Fez, 4C Morocco, Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA and Mercure Cab.
These monthly thematic meetings aim to bring together high-level regional experts on major issues related to climate action in order to contribute to the creation of a dynamic for advocacy in favor of a climate agenda anchored in African realities ahead of the COP28.
COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh
The P2A team is pleased to have participated in COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh in order to closely monitor the high-level discussions and negotiations. The event was an opportunity to meet with P2A’s international partners and to contribute to the strengthening of climate justice advocacy at the African level.
Choiseul Africa Business Forum
The P2A team participated in the Choiseul Africa Business Forum, a strategic meeting for the development of the African continent.
CREACT4MED 2021 - Cultural and Creative Industries in the Mediterranean
Participation in the conference organized by EMEA and moderation of the 5th session: Round table on the strengthening and actions of CCIs in Morocco.
Opportunities for a green and resilient recovery in Africa
Organization of the webinar in partnership with Power Shift Africa, Society For Planet and Prosperity and the European Climate Foundation.
With the participation of:
- African Development Bank ;
- African Climate Foundation;
- Euro-Mediterranean Association of Economists.
Green Talk n°2 - The climate action ecosystem and the main challenges facing environmental entrepreneurs in Morocco
Among the initiatives undertaken by P2A within the framework of the Advocacy & Executive Strategy cluster is the organization of Green Talks: a series of discussions with key stakeholders of the climate ecosystem in Morocco and the MENA region, focusing on key issues related to climate action and green, sustainable and resilient development.
Green Talk n°1 - Morocco's Sustainable Development Strategy Decarbonization and Energy Efficiency
Among the initiatives undertaken by P2A within the framework of the Advocacy & Executive Strategy cluster is the organization of Green Talks: a series of discussions with key stakeholders of the climate ecosystem in Morocco and the MENA region, focusing on key issues related to climate action and green, sustainable and resilient development.
Entrepreneurship and Post-Covid Recovery: The Diaspora as an Accelerator for African Business Development
Participation in the round table “Entrepreneurship and post-Covid recovery: the diaspora as a catalysfor the development of African businesses” organized by the Maroc Entrepreneurs team.
EU-Africa Partnership : Is the EU still a relevant actor for the development policy within the continent?
Participation in the webinar organized by the EMEA in collaboration with the CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) on the theme of EU-Africa Partnership which brought together key actors from both continents.
Green and resilient recovery in Mediterranean cities
Participation in the Euromed Cities Network webinar on the theme: “Green and resilient recovery in Mediterranean cities”.
Organization of the CREACT4MED workshop on Cultural and Creative Industries in Morocco. The event brought together key stakeholders of the CCI ecosystem in Morocco from the public and private sector.
Euro-Mediterranean Investment Forum 2021
Participation in the Euro-Mediterranean Investment Forum 2021 organized by FeBAF (Italian Federation of Banking, Insurance and Finance) where Mr. Sijilmassi presented his perspective on the future of Europe Post-Covid.
Head Office
74, Jaafar As Sadik street, Agdal
10100, Rabat – Morocco